What’s new at purple.space?

There are now 1,000 of us in this online community that’s not a social network. Proudly a millionth the size of some other online experiences.

It includes the original Creative’s Workshop, with hundreds of people working through it, side by side. And just added, access to the Marketing Seminar.

But mostly it’s the peer support, the daily journaling, a safe place to improve your ideas and lean into the work ahead. Around the world and around the clock, people who are eager to contribute and create.

Some people try it for free for a week and then unsubscribe, because they’re hoping for something that is convenient and runs on autopilot. The ones who stick are finding the connections they’ve been missing and the chance to level up.

All the details are at purple.space (including how to unsubscribe) … use the code TOGETHER to try it for a week.

If you’re on a journey to do work worth doing, folks are eager to help you get there.

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