Generative Search: How AI Will Transform Marketing ft. Mike Kaput [Endless Customers Podcast S.1 Ep.23]

About this Episode

If you’re like most of the professional world, the first you really heard about AI was the launch of ChatGPT.

Not so for Mike Kaput.

He’s been studying AI for more than a decade. For him, ChatGPT was less of a revelation and more of a culmination. 

Today, he and Paul Roetzer have been monitoring AI and its potential impact on marketing for years. Together, they wrote the widely-cited Marketing Artificial Intelligence: AI, Marketing, and the Future of Business. They also run the Marketing AI Institute, where Mike is the Chief Content Officer. Each year, they host MAICON, the Marketing and Artificial Intelligence Conference. 

At a time when too many phony thought leaders release garbled prophecies and our LinkedIn feeds are choked with posts about AI that are written by AI, Mike is an anomaly: someone thoughtful and well-informed. 

In this episode, Mike stops by to share his own vision of the current state of AI — as well as what we can all expect in the months and years ahead.

He and Alex cover:

The history of MAICON 
Generative search and the future of SEO
The pace of innovation
Overlooked AI tools
Pragmatic first steps every business leader should take

Connect with Mike

Mike Kaput is the Chief Content Officer at Marketing AI Institute, co-author of Marketing Artificial Intelligence: AI, Marketing, and the Future of Business, and co-host of the Artificial Intelligence Show podcast.

Connect with Mike on LinkedIn

Learn about The Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute

Sign up to attend MAICON 2024

Keep Learning

Read: A Content Marketer’s Guide to ChatGPT and AI-generated Content
Watch: How Should My Marketing Budget Change With AI?
Learn: The AI Best Practice Guidelines Your Company Needs

About the Author

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