Cristy Garcia on the Missing Piece in Driving Pipeline Growth
Cristy Garcia, Vice President of Marketing at takes on driving pipeline growth! Listen to
Cristy Garcia, Vice President of Marketing at takes on driving pipeline growth! Listen to
Read these 8 email newsletter best practices to create an engaging email campaign.
Most marketing leaders have dabbled in ABM, or account-based marketing. There’s no disputing its value potential for aligning sales and marketing or creating revenue for businesses, but as Paul Gibson reveals, as ABM gets more sophisticated, it can be challenging to scale and executive an ABM strategy without some help.
In this episode of the Radically Transparent podcast, brought to you by Oktopost, Demandbases’ VP EMEA, Paul Gibson gets candid about why ABX is the future of ABM. He acknowledges that many marketing leaders have limited time, budget, and resources, and shares where marketers are falling short in their ABM strategies and where they need to focus their efforts to get back on track. In addition, Paul reveals how we can all shift our mindset into the ABX, or account-based experience, mentality.
Whether you’re looking to gain followers, boost sales, or serve your audience on a wider scale, take a page from the playbook of these small business owners, with the confidence that—whatever changes may come to Instagram—they’ve worked for business owners just like you.
Featuring insights from Buffer’s Small Business, Big Lessons podcast episode one, and the accompanying unpublished interview, Shawn explained how chocolate saved his life – and how he’s using his chocolate business to help others thrive as well.