Growmatik Joins Forces With Convesio: A Strategic Leap Forward

In a pivotal development, Growmatik has been acquired by Convesio, a leading managed hosting platform, opening a new chapter and promising a bright landscape for Growmatik.

In a significant move within the e-commerce and web hosting industry, Growmatik, a prominent omni-channel marketing automation platform, is proud to announce its acquisition by Convesio, a leader in managed hosting solutions. This merger marks the beginning of a promising new chapter for Growmatik and its users (See the official press release).

Growmatik has been instrumental in enhancing the ROI and reducing marketing costs through its advanced integration of product, customer, and marketing data. Its capability to deliver precision-targeted campaigns has powered the growth and market success of thousands of businesses worldwide.

Based in the US, Convesio is renowned for its managed WooCommerce hosting within the WordPress sector, focusing on scalability, reliability, and efficiency in high-traffic e-commerce environments. Their expertise in performance-driven hosting solutions makes them the ideal steward for the future of Growmatik.

Among various interested parties, Convesio stood out as the most fitting company to take over Growmatik, given their high ratings and esteemed standing in the WordPress community.

Growmatik has been a leader in omnichannel marketing automation for WooCommerce, and Convesio is the ideal company to advance this mission. We’re excited about the future, as Growmatik’s technology and vision aligns perfectly with Convesio’s standards in engineering, security and scalability.

We are thrilled about this development and eagerly anticipate the innovations Convesio will bring to the Growmatik platform. We extend our deepest thanks to the Growmatik community for your support and understanding through these transitions. We are confident that Convesio will continue to support you in achieving even greater successes.

Key Points for Current Users

What will Happen to existing accounts?
Existing accounts will have the opportunity to request or regain access to the upgraded Growmatik platform once it is re-launched under new management. To receive notifications and gain early access after the service is reactivated, please join our waitlist using the form at the bottom of this page.

What about Unchained?
Following strategic reviews and discussions as well as reviewing the results of our initial launch of Unchained in ProductHunt, we decided to cancel the launch of Unchained.

What will happen to my lifetime license?
We had initially offered a free lifetime license for Growmatik lifetime holders users. However as compensation to existing users who owned lifetime Growmatik licenses,we are pleased to offer a free lifetime license of another of our well-regarded products, SellKit. We will reach out individually via email to facilitate this transition in the coming days.

What will happen to my data after acquisition?
Prior to the acquisition, all user data and campaigns were securely deleted. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of data privacy and have taken all necessary measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of our users’ information. This means existing users will need to recreate their accounts and campaigns from scratch.

Where can I contact for support?
For any questions or further information, please continue to contact us at

The post Growmatik Joins Forces With Convesio: A Strategic Leap Forward appeared first on Growmatik.

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