How to Use Survey Emails to Get a Pulse on Your Customer Base

Survey emails are a high-value piece of communication that every business has the ability to send. Let’s cover how to create one, and look at some great survey email examples.

We get it — you need to know what’s going on with your customers, without sounding overly intrusive. That’s why we recommend using survey emails to keep your finger on the pulse. And when done well, it can be a win for both sides.

Let’s unpack exactly what survey emails are, and just why they’re so important for your business.

What exactly is a survey email, anyway?

The global email marketing economy was valued at 8.49 billion in 2021. Email marketing remains the bedrock strategy for almost every brand and vertical. Survey emails are non-negotiable for any business that wants to improve its connection with clients.

Customer survey emails are questionnaire forms sent via email. Companies send them to their customers after a sale or event. The results are tallied and used to guide future strategic business decisions. 

Reaching out via email is the simplest way to stay in touch with your customers. And all it takes is a few clicks.

No time like the present

Nothing is worse than sending out a bunch of survey emails and getting zero replies. 

But your customers are only human. They’re busy people and even the kindest of hearts might need a gentle nudge to get the ball rolling.

So what’s the best way to encourage timely responses from your subscribers?

Customers need to know how long it’s going to take. They want to know that they’re not about to dive into a twenty-minute rabbit hole of intricate google forms and 1,000-word essays on their “consumer experience”.

86% of customers appreciate authenticity from a brand. 

So be honest about how long it will take and your customers will respect that —  just like Ritual did in this survey email example below.

  • They struck the right tone (we’re grateful, we promise, cheers to your health)
  • Communicated how long it will take clearly (only take a few minutes)
  • Kept the email short and focused by using a clear CTA (Take the Survey)


Source: Really Good Emails

Make it worth their while

But saying please won’t be enough for all your customers.

You might need to offer a little something to sweeten the deal. Now we’re not saying you need to Paypal them $20 to fill in your survey emails, but something like a discount on future purchases can go a long way.

Frye survey email example

Source: Really Good Emails

Take a look at this survey email example from Frye, purveyors of fine footwear. It hit all the right notes by:

  •  Addressing time concerns “quick and easy”
  • $50 coupon on future purposes to incentivize clicking
  • Well-designed with a great image to copy ratio and inverted pyramid design

Embed your surveys to reduce friction

Any marketer worth their salt knows that survey email response rates are not great. Between 5% – 30% is typical.

Getting customers to click a link and leave their inbox is actually pretty difficult. But it doesn’t have to be.

Campaign Monitor syncs seamlessly with the GetFeedback app which allows you to simply drag and drop forms onto your email template — without triggering any spam filters. Check out our guide to email forms to learn more.

This survey email example by Taylor Stitch exemplifies this.

Taylor Switch survey email example.

Source: Really Good Emails

They get straight to the point and have all the questions immediately visible to the client. All they have to do is fill them out and click POST. It’s a deceptively simple strategy to try if you’re struggling to get customers to click through to your survey.

Wrap Up

Let’s face it — it’s not easy getting your customers to engage with survey emails. But they’re an essential part of communication, and the best way to stay current with what’s happening and how they feel.

Follow the tips we talked about today and remember to make it worth their while. That’s the best way to increase your survey engagement rates and stay current.

Email is still the number one channel for marketing in any vertical and Campaign Monitor is here to help you with customer survey emails every step of the way.

The post How to Use Survey Emails to Get a Pulse on Your Customer Base appeared first on Campaign Monitor.

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