Physical Therapy Marketing During the Pandemic 

The world continues to suffer from the fallout of COVID-19, and many physical therapy practices are struggling due to decreased patient traffic. The word “crisis” in Chinese is made up of two characters: one represents danger and the other opportunity. Now is the time to look for opportunities and find ways to develop your clinic and optimize profits. 

Physical therapy advertising ideas to improve your online image

With reduced client flow, you have time to focus on ways to increase your clinic’s online presence and attract more patients. Here are just a few ideas: 

Social Media

Modern marketing leverages social media channels to attract a large audience

Modern marketing leverages social media channels to attract a large audience. More than 42% of people around the world use social media, making it highly effective for business promotion. Various social media platforms have their own user categories, allowing you to target your ads to certain user groups and demographics. For example: 

  • Facebook – over 2.5 billion monthly active users, mostly aged between 18 and 49. A payable audience with average annual income between $60k and $100k. 
  • Instagram – around one billion monthly active users and over 500 million active users daily. The IG audience is mostly aged from 18 to 29 years and has an annual income between $30k and $60k. 
  • Twitter – around 330 million active users monthly with an average annual income between $75k and $100k. Twitter is one of the most popular social networks among the customer service audience, allowing users to reach a company or user by tagging them in a tweet. 
  • LinkedIn – over 200 million active users monthly. The audience’s average income ranges from $60k and $100k, a top social media platform used by Business to Business (B2B) companies, allowing them to find partners or required services in a specific region. 

Digital marketing agencies use professional tools to gather as much data as possible about social media users, to conduct in-depth research and build the best marketing strategy for your clinic. 

Video Content

Video Content for Your physical therapy clinic

With gyms closed, your clients may need some motivation to keep in shape. Your physical therapy clinic can create and share exercise videos for existing clients and new customers.  


Use Webinars to educate patients, promote new services

Webinars open numerous opportunities for business development. Use them to educate patients, promote new services, present products and more.

Blog Posts

explain the benefits of physical therapy for various conditions with blog posts

Launching a blog on your website is a great way to tell users about your services. You can showcase your clinic’s latest technologies, give users more information about your practice, share success stories, and explain the benefits of physical therapy for various conditions. 


You can take advantage of the pandemic to improve your practice and find new ways to market your clinic and services. Use these ideas to build a unique physical therapy marketing plan, or hire a professional digital marketing agency to increase your client traffic and revenue, and improve your website’s online rating. 

The post Physical Therapy Marketing During the Pandemic  appeared first on Clever Solution.

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