Social Media Analytics & Statistics – Return on Infographics

Info-graphics have always been considered to be more interesting and captivating than plain text. It is simply due to the fact that attracting the reader’s attention with pictures is easier than by using text. In the contemporary world, info-graphics have also earned considerable importance on digital platforms. The traffic impact of info-graphic is clearly noticeable from the various trends. This is why; companies trying to maintain a strong online presence rely greatly on info-graphics for higher page visits.

What exactly are info-graphics?

‘Infographics’ is still a relatively new term, although the concept itself has been around for a long time. It basically refers to converting information into a graphical format, by integrating pictures, shapes, colors, etc. into it. Examples of info-graphics include statistical graphs and diagrams which present complex data in a simplified way.

Why are info-graphics important?

The significance and usefulness of infographics have increased manifold in recent times. Be it social media, websites on the internet, or journals, you are likely to come across info-graphics almost everywhere. Here’s what makes infographics so popular:

  • High traffic: Experiments carried out through Social Media Marketing clearly show that posts with info-graphics-based content generate far greater responses than those which are based entirely on plain text. This makes info-graphics a major tool for marketing purposes. Proper use of info-graphics can significantly boost the traffic visiting your page. This basically means that a larger number of people would get to know about your products, services, and more.
  • Attractive: From books and newspapers to the internet and social media posts, pictures always turn out to be more attractive. It is based on the simple fact that colorful graphical content attracts our attention more than text. This is one of the main reasons behind the popularity of infographics in social media.
  • Brand awareness: Whenever you use info-graphics, it helps to create better brand awareness. For example, simply integrating the logo of your company into the info-graphic content would create a bold brand image. The target audience viewing the content would be more likely to remember your brand. Info-graphic-based content is also shared more and would therefore ensure greater exposure for a brand.
  • Impression: Info-graphics can be used to give the audience an impression about the brand. Depending on the design, the viewers would get an idea of the principles of your company and how it functions. For example, a company can either put up a format look, a funky style, a casual look, and more, depending on the type of products and services they offer. Many brands hire reputed firms to help develop the right info-graphics which would deliver a desirable message about the brand.
  • Simplification of data: The main reason due to which info-graphics came into being is that it simplifies complex data. Even if the term info-graphics seems new to you, you must be familiar with statistical data being represented through graphs. This is because it is far easier for the human brain to understand compact graphical information rather than complex textual data. As a result, it is much easier for readers to comprehend the information. While trying to market something or make your target audience aware of certain trends, it would be much easier to explain it through info-graphics.

The post Social Media Analytics & Statistics – Return on Infographics appeared first on Digital Berge.

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