Why Your Business Needs a CRM to Unlock Business Growth [Endless Customers Podcast Ep. 70]

About This Episode

When you’re running a business, you know that there’s a constant juggling act of sales, customer relationships, marketing, operations, and scaling your company. With so many moving parts, it’s no wonder you might feel overwhelmed trying to keep track of everything. And let’s be real—your current tools (spreadsheets, email reminders, sticky notes, you name it) have been holding it together so far, but are they helping you grow?

This is where a CRM, or Customer Relationship Management system, comes in. If you’ve ever wondered, “Why do I need a CRM?” or “Is it really worth the cost and effort?”—you’re not alone. It’s a common concern, especially for businesses like yours that have relied heavily on referrals, existing networks, and gut instincts. Today, we’re diving into exactly why a CRM is more than just a fancy acronym and how it could revolutionize your business.

We spoke with Will Smith, a HubSpot Trainer at IMPACT, who has helped countless businesses implement and leverage CRM systems to scale effectively. In this episode of Endless Customers, we unpack why a CRM could be your key to growth, even if you feel like you don’t need one.

Why Businesses Hesitate to Adopt a CRM

“Leave it to marketing to give us another acronym,” jokes Will at the start of the episode. But despite the slightly intimidating name, CRMs are designed to simplify your life, not complicate it. However, many business owners see it as just another tech tool that seems daunting, expensive, or unnecessary.

Will explains, “A lot of business owners underestimate the value of a CRM because they’re managing with tools that are ‘good enough.’” You know the ones: those trusty spreadsheets or that intricate web of sticky notes on your desk.

Sure, these tools get the job done, but do they really help you scale? Or, are they keeping you stuck in the daily grind of just managing what’s in front of you?

The Power of Working On Your Business, Not Just In It

One of the most common pitfalls business owners face is getting caught up in the day-to-day tasks, leaving little time for strategic growth. Will refers to this as “working in your business, not on your business.” You’re constantly following up with clients, keeping track of leads, and juggling communication, but are you really focusing on growing the business?

This is where the Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule) comes into play. It states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your activities. If most of your time is spent chasing down leads, sending follow-up emails, or trying to remember who you need to contact next, you’re missing out on the strategic moves that could really push your business forward.

The Myth of “Too Small for a CRM”

Another common misconception is that CRMs are only for large, enterprise-level companies. “That’s for the big boys,” is something Will hears a lot from small and medium-sized businesses. But the truth is, a CRM is just as powerful for a business like yours. In fact, it might be even more critical.

For smaller businesses, keeping track of every single customer interaction becomes more challenging as you grow. “A CRM is good for anyone,” Will emphasizes. It’s about streamlining those everyday tasks so you can focus on scaling.

ROI: A CRM is an Investment, Not an Expense

We get it—budgets are tight, and a CRM might feel like just another expense you can’t justify. But as Will points out, “A CRM isn’t an expense. It’s an investment.”

In fact, research from Nucleus shows that for every dollar spent on a CRM, the average return is $8.71. Let that sink in. For every dollar, you could get almost nine dollars back. That’s because a well-implemented CRM doesn’t just help you keep track of customers; it helps you build better relationships, improve sales efficiency, and automate key processes that free up your time.

Start Small and Scale

The beauty of modern CRMs like HubSpot (our personal favorite at IMPACT) is that you don’t need to go all-in right away. HubSpot, for example, offers tiered pricing models that allow you to start small and scale as you grow.

“You don’t need the enterprise solution yet if you’re still in startup mode,” Will says. Start with the freemium model, get familiar with the system, and as your business grows, you can invest in more robust features. The key is just to get started.

It’s All About the Right Setup and Training

Even if you understand the value of a CRM, the implementation process can feel overwhelming. How do you go from your current system (or lack of one) to a streamlined, efficient CRM setup?

This is where training and onboarding are critical. Will stresses the importance of not just buying a CRM but making sure it’s set up correctly from day one. “You get what you pay for,” he says, referring to the importance of investing in expert training and support. Having someone who understands your specific business needs and can help customize the CRM is key to maximizing your investment.

At IMPACT, we’ve seen time and time again that companies who invest in proper CRM training see faster adoption and better long-term results. You want your CRM to work for you—not the other way around.

Your CRM Journey: Starting Right and Growing with It

So, you’ve decided to adopt a CRM—what’s next? Will outlines a simple roadmap to ensure you start on the right foot:

Assess Your Needs: What are your business goals? What’s holding you back from reaching them? This will help you choose the right CRM and features.
Customized Training: Don’t just wing it. Get your CRM customized for your business and invest in proper training for your team.
Start Small: Begin with the basics. Import your existing data, automate key tasks, and focus on mastering the essential functions.
Hands-On Practice: Get your team using the system from day one. “You’ve got to drive,” Will emphasizes. Watching someone else demonstrate the CRM won’t help—hands-on learning is key.

The One Thing to Remember

If there’s one takeaway from today’s episode, it’s this: Look at where you are, and where you want to go. Is your current system helping you get there, or is it holding you back? A CRM is more than a tool—it’s an investment in your business’s future. Take the time to understand your needs, invest in the right setup, and you’ll unlock growth you didn’t know was possible.

Ready to take that next step? At IMPACT, we’re here to help you maximize your CRM and make sure it’s not just another tool collecting dust. After all, your business deserves better than “good enough.”

Connect with Will Smith

Will Smith is a certified HubSpot Trainer with a track record of 100+ companies successfully onboarded to the HubSpot platform.

Connect with Will on LinkedIn

Keep Learning

Watch: How to Simplify Your Transition to AI: HubSpot’s AI Tools for Marketing & Sales
Read: HubSpot CRM Review — Pros and Cons
Watch: Data-Driven Success: HubSpot Fuels Berry Insurance’s Massive Growth

About the Author

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