Success with Endless Customers: The Massive Growth Story of Mazzella Companies [Endless Customers Podcast S.1. Ep. 44]

About This Episode

“We really started to build confidence in ourselves and as an organization that we were becoming the industry experts within our respective spaces.” says Mike Minissale, Director of Marketing at Mazzella Companies.

In this episode of Endless Customers, Alex Winter is joined by Mike Minissale and Mike Close, Corporate Marketing and Communications Manager at Mazzella Companies. They share the  journey of their organization from the old way of marketing to becoming a leader in their markets with industry disrupting content.

Mike and Mike dive into how the adoption of the “They Ask, You Answer” methodology has been a game changer for Mazzella Companies. They discuss the critical role of leadership buy-in and the importance of dedicated content creation teams. 

Mike Close recounts the early days, remembering the significance of having everyone on the same page. “We had three coaching sessions with IMPACT every single week… it was like drinking from a firehose early on, but everyone started to get it at the same time, and it clicked.”

By staying committed and disciplined, they were able to experience the exponential growth that every business leader craves. “We’ve seen upwards of ten times the amount of traffic that we were getting in 2017 to consistently getting ten times that month over month,” Mike states. This incredible growth has not only enhanced their market presence but also created healthy internal competition and motivation among their different business units.

Mike and Mike valued having the steady external perspective of the coaches from IMPACT. “Having you guys in our back pocket as the experts in the room… it’s really the whole system that you guys provide and access to your team of experts that sets the program apart.”

Connect with Mike Minissale and Mike Close

Check out Mazzella Companies

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Connect with Mike Close on LinkedIn

Keep Learning

Watch: The Story of ‘They Ask, You Answer’
Read: What Is a ‘Learning Center’ and Why Does My Website Need One?
Check Out: Our Case Study on Mazzella Companies
Take: Our Free Marketing and Sales Assessment

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