Search Engine Optimization: How to Stay ‘On Top’ in the Age of AI [Endless Customers Podcast Ep. 60]

About This Episode

Let’s face it—getting found online is tough, especially when everything seems to change at lightning speed. If you’re running a business, you already know how crucial it is to stay visible online. But with SEO constantly evolving and AI shaking things up, it’s hard not to feel a little overwhelmed. Do you bring in an SEO agency to help, or try to handle it all in-house? We’re diving into these questions with Mary Brown, Lead Website Strategist at IMPACT.

The SEO Landscape is Shifting: Why You Should Care

If we’re being honest, SEO isn’t what it used to be. Gone are the days when you could rely on a set of keywords to get you to the top of Google. As Mary candidly put it, “The tectonic plates beneath our feet in the world of search are shifting, and they are shifting dramatically.” This isn’t just a casual observation—it’s a wake-up call for any business owner who wants to stay competitive.

If you’re hearing from so-called “SEO experts” who claim that nothing has changed, consider it a red flag. Alex emphasized, “If you’re talking to somebody who says they’re an SEO expert and that AI isn’t going to affect it… you may want to reassess that situation.” The truth is, AI is disrupting SEO in ways we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago.

Why SEO Still Matters

Despite the disruptions, SEO is far from dead. It’s evolving, but the fundamentals remain vital. Mary highlighted that “effective SEO is still a way to stand out” in an increasingly crowded online space. With more websites launching every day, the competition is fierce, and standing out requires more than just the basics.

But it’s not just about being found—it’s about being found by the right people. User search behavior is changing, influenced by social media platforms, YouTube, and even voice search. “You’ve got to be on social. You’ve got to be on Meta, you’ve got to be on TikTok,” said Mary, underscoring the need to meet your audience where they are.

The New Rules of SEO: What’s Changing?

The big news in SEO is that search engines, especially Google, are getting stricter about the content they prioritize. Mary mentioned a significant algorithm update from last spring called the “helpful content update.” Google’s goal was to reduce low-quality content by 40%, but they ended up cutting 45%. This shows that Google is serious about only serving up content that truly helps users.

So, what does this mean for your business? It means you need to be laser-focused on creating content that provides real value. As Alex noted, “You have to be really strategic with how you build trust and the types of things you’re putting out there because you could push people away way, way faster now.”

Local SEO and Voice Search: New Opportunities

Another key point from the podcast was the growing importance of local SEO. Google is now offering users the option to filter search results to only show businesses in their area. If your business isn’t optimized for local search, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. “Local content is another huge shift that’s getting to be more and more important,” said Mary.

And let’s not forget about voice search. As more people use Siri, Alexa, and other voice assistants, optimizing for natural language queries is becoming essential. Voice searches are more conversational, so your content needs to reflect that.

Should You Hire an SEO Agency?

Now, onto the big question: Should you hire an SEO agency or handle it in-house? The answer, as Mary and Alex discussed, is that it depends on your specific situation.

For smaller businesses that need quick results, working with an agency might be the way to go. “If you’re a small local restaurant and you need more traffic now, then maybe it’s a good idea to consider working with an agency,” Mary suggested. On the other hand, larger companies with more resources might benefit from bringing SEO in-house, especially if they have complex needs like optimizing thousands of product pages.

One of the advantages of working with an agency is their expertise and access to specialized tools. Mary pointed out that “if you’re an SEO agency, then it is your job to be on top of that stuff and you’ve got to be on the cutting edge.” However, she also warned of potential downsides, such as losing control over the strategy or experiencing inconsistent quality if key agency personnel change.

When you bring SEO in-house, you’re putting control right where you can see it. The big upside? Your team is fully immersed in your business, so they can align SEO strategies closely with your overall goals and pivot quickly when needed. Plus, having someone in-house means you’re not at the mercy of an agency’s schedule or turnover issues. But here’s the flip side—SEO is a specialized field that requires constant learning, and it can be tough (and expensive) to find someone with the right expertise. Without the right tools and ongoing training, your team might struggle to keep up with the latest trends and algorithm changes. So, while in-house SEO gives you control, it also comes with the challenge of staying on top of a rapidly evolving landscape.

How to Choose the Right SEO Partner

If you decide to hire an SEO agency, it’s crucial to ask the right questions. Transparency is key. Mary shared a cautionary tale of a company spending $50,000 a year on SEO without understanding what they were paying for. “If they can’t straightforwardly say this to you, and if there is a lack of transparency there, that is a huge red flag,” she warned.

Make sure the agency can clearly explain how their work will impact your business outcomes, not just drown you in technical jargon. As Alex put it, “You need to understand the business outcome. You need to understand the ROI of this stuff.”

Key Takeaways for Your Business

So, what should you do next? Here are the key takeaways from Alex and Mary’s discussion:

Embrace the Change: SEO is evolving, and so should your strategy. Don’t get stuck in the past.
Focus on Quality Content: With Google cracking down on unhelpful content, make sure your content provides real value.
Leverage Local SEO: Optimize your content for local search to stay ahead of the competition.
Consider Voice Search: As more people use voice assistants, ensure your content is optimized for natural language queries.
Choose Your SEO Partner Wisely: Whether you go in-house or hire an agency, make sure they can deliver transparent, results-driven work.

As Mary concluded, “The one thing about this is that it’s changing. And if anyone tells you it’s not, then they’re lying to you.” In this brave new world of SEO, staying informed and adaptable is your best strategy for success.

So, as you navigate the complexities of SEO this year and beyond, remember that the landscape may be shifting, but with the right approach, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure your business continues to thrive online.

Connect with Mary

Mary Brown is the lead website strategist at IMPACT, and she has lent her expertise to website projects in dozens of industries. 

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Keep Learning

Watch: Four Essential Elements of a High-Converting Website
Read: How to Hire Your In-House Website Specialist
Test your site: Free Website Performance Assessment

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