I Need Video Content But I Don’t Know How To Start [Endless Customers Podcast S.1 Ep.22]


About this Episode

Video content allows your buyers to get to know you and your brand before they ever walk into your store or fill out a form on your website. 

We teach our clients to develop a “culture of video” so that video content goes hand-in-hand with anything they produce:

Salespeople send 1-1 videos to prospects
Website landing pages have videos explaining next steps
Social posts include videos that show people and processes

and so on.

This way, video becomes part of your brand DNA. And there’s good reason for this. According to research from HubSpot more than 90 percent of buyers say they want to see more videos from brands.

But what if you don’t have a videographer on staff to get this all started?

According to Lindsey Auten, video trainer here at IMPACT, you can get started without an official videographer. “Don’t be scared of video,” she advises. “Take the bull by the horns and go for it. I think you’ll surprise yourself with what you come up with.”

New technology makes it easier to plan, shoot, edit, and publish videos than ever before. 

While she says the goal should be to hire someone to take charge of your video initiative, she knows that budget can be limited and hiring can be slow. 

When you’re ready to hire, use this guide to find the best videographer for your business.

Connect with Lindsey

Lindsey Auten is a content and video trainer at IMPACT with a background in broadcast journalism. 

Learn more about Lindsey from her IMPACT bio

Connect with Lindsey on LinkedIn

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Keep Learning

Learn: We’ve Never Done ‘Selling 7’ Videos; Where Should We Start?
Watch: Building a Healthy ‘Culture of Video’ At Your Company
Read: How to Make High-Quality Sales Videos, Even On A Budget

About the Author

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